Tips for Students

Tips for Students Going Abroad

Whether it’s your first time leaving the country or you’re looking to start a new adventure, you’ve found the right place.


My experience was one-of-a-kind as I decided to commit to my plan to study abroad despite the global pandemic.

While I may have had a different-looking semester, not everything was hindered by quarantines and closures. No matter what your semester may look like, here are some pieces of advice that anyone can take away from.

A Suitcase Abroad: What to Bring

How do I know how much to pack? Here are the do’s and don’ts of semester-long trips.

What I Wish I Knew Before Going Abroad

From journaling and taking classes to buying groceries, here is some advice from someone who’s been there.

My biggest piece of advice? Say YES to everything you can.

Academic Advice Abroad: What to Take

Studying in another country gives you so many opportunities to learn both inside and outside of the classroom. Here are some unique classes you just need to try.

What It’s Like Being in Italy During a Pandemic

Between closures, restrictions and language barriers, living in Italy had it difficulties. But the benefits of a quiet city may surprise you.

(Psssst… no American tourists means no gelato lines)

Packing 101: The Little Tips No One Will Tell You Before Going Abroad

More packing tips??? Yes.

Ditch the big shampoo bottle and don’t forget your adapters.

There are a few little things that most “semester abroad packing lists” won’t show you. You won’t want to miss these.

A Guide To Healthy Living in Florence, Italy

This doesn’t just go for those who are living in Italy, or even Europe all together. Here are some tips for anyone looking to stay on top of their health while embracing international cuisine.

Plus, find the best places to get healthy meals and snacks in Florence:)

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